Tanque Verde Elementary School Celebrates Music Garden Opening with Student Performance

Tanque Verde Elementary School in Tucson, Arizona, celebrated the opening of its new Music Garden with a musical performance by its students.

After receiving a grant from 'A for Arizona,' a non-profit group in the state, the school was able to use the funds to create a place for students to enjoy playing music in the outdoor space. The outdoor musical instruments were ordered and included Rainbow Sambas, Handpipes, Harmony Flowers, Quintet Ensemble, Akadinda, Cherub, and Tubular Bells.

A recent White Paper by Percussion Play reveals that playing musical instruments in an outdoor setting helps to improve the well-being of those using them. In addition, the school wanted to reverse the negative impact the pandemic had on its students. Research has also shown that creating music improves student achievement.

The school intends for teachers to take their classes outside for instruction in the Music Garden. The instruments will also be available for students to use during their free time during morning and lunch recess.

The music teacher, Mr. Seth Murzyn, and students performed a short melody to celebrate the opening.

pupils from Tanque Verde School playing large outdoor musical instruments in their new outdoor music classroom
pupils from Tanque Verde School playing large outdoor musical instruments in their new outdoor music classroom
pupils from Tanque Verde School playing large outdoor musical instruments in their new outdoor music classroom
pupils from Tanque Verde School playing large outdoor musical flowers in their new outdoor music classroom
pupil from Tanque Verde School playing a large outdoor musical instrument in the new outdoor music classroom
pupils from Tanque Verde School playing large outdoor musical instruments in their new outdoor music classroom

Man playing instrument

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