Special Needs School Begin Music Therapy Lessons Outdoors

Inclusive Outdoor Musical Instruments Give School’s Music Therapist A Wonderful Outdoor Resource To Use In Her Daily Music Therapy Lessons
Client: Hatenne School
Location: Jerusalem, Israel

  • outdoor drums and xylophone in special needs school playground
  • young girl with dark hair standing between two large musical chimes in playground

Israeli Distributor Kesem Yarok Music Gardens have recently installed a wheelchair accessible music and sound garden for a Special Needs School in Jerusalem. Each of the instruments have been installed specifically so that they can be played by wheelchair users from any position around the instrument, giving the school’s music therapist a wonderful outdoor resource to use in her daily music therapy lessons with the children.

Now the staff and pupils of Hatenne School can enjoy making wonderful music outdoors with their:

Rainbow Sambas – Great for Schools

Emperor Chimes – Loud Outdoor Chimes

Sansa-Rimba – Thumb-Piano inspired Outdoor Xylophone

Outdoor music therapy lessons, overlooking the Jerusalem hills, what could be better?

Man playing instrument

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