Local Lions Encourage Elementary Students to Pursue Music

Volunteers from the Pleasanton Lions Club recently purchased and installed a Cherub Xylophone and Congas Trio Drums to kick-off a new outdoor music area located in their local playground next to the Pleasanton Public Schools.

  • Volunteers from Pleasanton Lions Club installing four outdoor musical instruments in the school playground
  • Eight volunteers from Pleasanton Lions Club standing behind the four outdoor musical instruments they have installed in the school playground
  • Four outdoor musical instruments installed by volunteers from Pleasanton Lions club

The musical playground equipment is intended to encourage elementary students to pursue music. The Pleasanton Lions recognised that playing musical instruments is proven to be helpful in developing healthy minds, bodies and souls. Music creation can aid and enhance logic building skills and improve concentration, commitment and focus. It is hoped that by providing these musical facilities, students will begin composing their own musical scores through improvisation and their own imagination.

Normal music lessons enable students to learn notes, rhythm and other components of music but encouraging young ones to create their own music, freely and outdoors is something very special indeed.

Man playing instrument

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