Outdoor Learning Grounds For Calagary Buffalo Rubbing Stone School

October 2018

The new Buffalo Rubbing Stone School Outdoor Learning Grounds are now complete featuring an outdoor classroom, community garden, and outdoor musical instruments.

a collection of outdoor musical instruments being played in the outdoor classroom at Buffalo Rubbing Stone Elementary School in Canada
a collection of outdoor musical instruments in the outdoor classroom at Buffalo Rubbing Stone Elementary School in Canada
a group of outdoor conga drums outdoor musical instruments in the outdoor classroom at Buffalo Rubbing Stone Elementary School in Canada
a collection of outdoor musical instruments being played in the outdoor classroom at Buffalo Rubbing Stone Elementary School in Canada
a collection of outdoor musical instruments in the outdoor classroom at Buffalo Rubbing Stone Elementary School in Canada
a stainless steel outdoor tongue drum outdoor musical instrument in the outdoor classroom at Buffalo Rubbing Stone Elementary School in Canada
a outdoor marimba outdoor musical instruments being played in the outdoor classroom at Buffalo Rubbing Stone Elementary School in Canada
a collection of outdoor musical instruments in the outdoor classroom at Buffalo Rubbing Stone Elementary School in Canada
an outdoor xylophone outdoor musical instruments in the outdoor classroom at Buffalo Rubbing Stone Elementary School in Canada

Buffalo Rubbing Stone School in Panorama Hills, Calgary, is a relatively new school that first opened its doors to elementary students in September 2016. Now, pupils and staff can enjoy lessons outside as they've created an amazing new space to learn in their outdoor grounds, complete with an outdoor classroom, community garden, and musical instrument area! This wonderful community project opened last month, and it's all thanks to the support of generous donors from Panorama Hills, a dedicated group of volunteers, the Buffalo Rubbing Stone Parent Association, and the Alberta Government, who all contributed to the fund and help bring the project to fruition.

The outdoor musical instruments included a Large Babel Drum, Papilio, Marimba and Congas Trio were provided by Percussion play partner PlayWorks

Heather Isidoro from the PTA told us, "The whole project is the Buffalo Rubbing Stone Circle of Courage Learning Grounds. It is a multi-faceted space in which we try to reflect many different areas of the curriculum and provide the school with many unique spaces for multiple classrooms to be able to work concurrently. It has a music space, a STEAM space, an art space, 3 unique classroom spaces (theatre style, fully circular bench, and picnic tables), a growing space with trough planters, a log stepping berm for a physical challenge, plus natural play areas of berms with logs and boulders. We have had some feedback from one of the donors that it is one of the more unique spaces she has seen in the city."

Asked how the school intends to use the instruments, Cam Denman, Music Specialist at Buffalo Rubbing Stone School, told us, "Since the installation of the instruments, I have witnessed the students actively exploring and engaging with them before school, during scheduled times (with their classroom teachers) and after school as well. The instruments, as well as the space in general, will be used as part of my personal music curricular programming." What does she think is the best thing about musical instruments? "My current feeling about the outdoor instruments is that the selection and combination of timbres are practical and complimentary. We have only had the instruments for a relatively short period of time. The weather has played a significant role in how we have been able to use them so far, so I believe 'the best' is yet to come!"

About Buffalo Rubbing Stone School

Buffalo Rubbing Stone is a large glacier rock in the middle of a small park in the Panorama Hills community. Also known as Crater Rock, Buffalo Rubbing Stone was used by buffalo to rub against. It is estimated that approximately 60 million buffalo once roamed the Great Plains in North America. This name honors the significance of the buffalo in the history of Alberta.

About PlayWorks

Founded by an elementary school teacher, PlayWorks takes great pride in creating play spaces that keep kids interested, excited, and engaged. They serve Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Canada’s Northern Territories from three offices: Edmonton, Saskatoon, and Winnipeg

Man playing instrument

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