Music Stop Created for Pedestrians in Danish City Street

Outdoor Musical Chimes installed in city street to create
a music stop to celebrate the great Danish composer Carl Nielsen

Client: "From Street To City" Location: William Werner Park, Denmark

  • Young boy playing musical chimes in busy street in Denamrk

Percussion Play Denmark has, for the occasion of Carl Nielsen's 150th birthday, developed a special musical instrument where everyone regardless of musical ability can play one of Nielsen's most popular songs in Denmark "Jeg ved en lærkerede" ("I know a larks nest").

Bespoke Chimes – Outdoor Aluminium Chimes Panel

The song was originally written by Harald Alfred Bergstedt in 1921 however, in 1924 Carl Nilsen created new music for the lyrics and it became the popular song it is in Denmark today, about the Danish lark which sings a very beautiful song in the summertime while it is flying high up in the sky and a child connecting with nature.

The Chimes have been installed for pedestrians to play when walking through William Werner Park. It consists of 26 aluminum chimes, which play the melody when played from left to right. The installation was paid for by the "From street to City" project.

Carl Nielsen was born to a poor family in Denmark on 9 June 1865 and went on to become one of the world's greatest composers – and, by some margin, the most famous Danish composer who has ever lived.

One of Nielsen’s most famous quotes is "Music is the sound of life."

He's not wrong.

Man playing instrument

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