Boy Playing Rainbow Coloured Outdoor Xylophone in Park
Rainbow Coloured Outdoor Xylophone in Park in Autumn
Children Playing Rainbow Coloured Outdoor Xylophone in Park
Man and Boy Playing Rainbow Coloured Outdoor Xylophone in Park
Girl Playing Rainbow Coloured Outdoor Xylophone with Audience
Girl Playing Rainbow Coloured Outdoor Xylophone with Audience
Rainbow Coloured Outdoor Xylophone in Park with music stand


C Major Diatonic (G3-G5)


Our Capella Diatonic Outdoor Xylophone has 15 rainbow-colored notes tuned to C Major G3-G5.

Because of its diatonic arrangement, players can play many familiar or favorite tunes and improvise or compose their own -making it equally fun for beginners or experienced musicians and appropriate for schools and nurseries as well as care homes and senior centers.

The vibrantly colored anodized notes are set to our rainbow scale and can be combined with one of our Music Books where the notes on the instruments correspond with the colored notes on the music sheets. Players then follow the colors to play a well-known song.

Set on an HDPE mounting, the stainless steel resonators will deliver a bright, rounded sound.

Product Highlights

  • Suitable for All Ages
  • Fun for both beginners and experienced musicians
  • Suitable for ADA Accessible Projects/Parks
  • Suitable for Inclusive Playgrounds
  • Music Book Compatible

Made to order in 4 Weeks


Ground Install

MSRP $4,880.00
Shipping $585.60
Total $5,465.60
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Surface Mounted

MSRP $5,345.00
Shipping $641.40
Total $5,986.40
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Shipping to USA, including Import Duties and Taxes (Delivered Duty Paid)

Specification (Ground Install)

Weight 41kg
Width 54cm
Height 91.5cm
Length 76.5cm

Specification (Surface Mounted)

Weight 49kg
Width 54cm
Height 91.5cm
Length 76.5cm

Sound Level Data

50m 54db
10m 64db
<3m 93db


Product Dimensions

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