Blues Tembos

Blues Scale (G, Bb, C, Eb, F, Gb, G)

Playing any instrument with the notes from a blues scale will instantly create a blues vibe - and these plosive aerophones are no different.

The blues go hand in hand with creating 'music in the moment.' Rather than thinking about notes or theory, the sound, style, and feel of what you're playing matters most.

Our seven blissful notes on the Blues Tembos allow players to don their 'blues hats' and make some fantastic bluesy sounds.

Product Highlights

  • Unique Bluesy Sound
  • Multi-generational
  • Tall and Intriguing
  • Accessible Play Equipment
  • Inclusive Playground Product

Made to order in 4 Weeks


Blues Tembos

two skater boys in helmets hitting large silver outdoor aerophones or slap tubes in playground
Girl hitting pipes of a large Aerophones with a black paddle in a School Playground

Ground Install

MSRP $9,765.00
Shipping $1,171.80
Total $10,936.80
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Surface Mounted

MSRP $10,215.00
Shipping $1,225.80
Total $11,440.80
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Shipping to USA, including Import Duties and Taxes (Delivered Duty Paid)

Specification (Ground Install)

Weight 235kg
Width 48.5cm
Height 362cm
Length 69.5cm

Specification (Surface Mounted)

Weight 239kg
Width 48.5cm
Height 362cm
Length 69.5cm

Sound Level Data

50m 51db
10m 59db
<3m 88db


Product Dimensions

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