Harmony Without Boundaries: Percussion Play's Journey with the Portsmouth Down Syndrome Association

At Percussion Play, we believe in the power of music and community to transform lives. Our journey towards making a meaningful impact led us to partner with the Portsmouth Down Syndrome Association, who provide exceptional support for children with Down syndrome and their families.

The Portsmouth Down Syndrome Association is dedicated to promoting the development, education, and inclusion of children with Down syndrome. They provide specialized services to help these children reach their developmental goals, succeed in school, and become valued members of their communities.

Our involvement with the Association supports the Teenage Group Socials, a vibrant initiative aimed at promoting true inclusion. Seeing the daily challenges that the members and their families face reminds us of the significance of our contribution.

We have heard heartwarming stories like Max's, a dedicated member of the Portsmouth Down Syndrome Association: “I have been going to Portsmouth Down Syndrome Association’s teenage social groups for nine years, and I really look forward to them every month. I love having fun with my Portsmouth DSA friends and our good friends from King Edward VI School, who make me laugh. My favorite activity is donutting on the ski slopes, followed by pizza. Thank you to everyone for making these brilliant activities possible for me and my friends.”

Rachael Ross MBE, the Chair of the Portsmouth Down Syndrome Association, expresses sincere appreciation for Percussion Play's ongoing support. This recognition serves as a crucial reminder of the impact we can have when we concentrate on building inclusive communities.

“Our heartfelt thanks to Percussion Play for their generous ongoing commitment to our monthly Teenage Buddy Initiative with King Edward VI School. Sometimes, teenagers with Down syndrome can feel isolated, as they can’t always readily enjoy the same social opportunities as their peers. Percussion Play’s commitment to our buddy initiative ensures that our teenagers enjoy regular fun and meaningful social interactions and activities with age-appropriate peers in a safe environment. Thank you for making such a significant difference."

Moving forward, Percussion Play is committed to ensuring that these teenagers can experience the joy of music, friendship, and belonging. We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone involved for inspiring us and allowing us to be a part of this incredible journey. Here's to creating more melodies, fostering stronger connections, and building a world where everyone belongs.

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