New Music Park Wins Over Camp Guests and Bolsters Inclusivity

Our latest Case Study tells how the new music park at a camp providing year-round recreational and respite care opportunities for individuals with special needs, has already engaged the camp guests and bought them together.

Amy Kurth, program director at Camp Courageous tells us "Every day I see campers with big smiles on their faces playing next to and with each other. It brings people together who come from different backgrounds and may not normally find themselves together. Everyone finds their own way of engaging with the music; every day is beautiful and full of new possibilities".

The music park was made possible thanks to the local Monticello Rotary Club. Looking for a suitable community project to commemorate their centenary celebrations, the club fundraised, obtained grants, and sponsors which enabled them to support the project. Rotary volunteers then installed the instruments.

“We’re pretty proud of it and I think all of Rotary Club in Monticello would say the same thing,” says Rotary member Kathy Pratt.

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